在价值争议索赔中,买方声称销售价格超过了真实市场价值. 你, as the seller’s agent, 如果买方指控卖方披露了不准确或误导性的信息,可以起诉卖方吗.

这些信息可能来自公共记录,但通常由卖家自己分享. 他们可能会歪曲房产的面积或浴室数量, or they might fail to disclose unpermitted additions or defective conditions.


理查德J. Monahan是Great American Insurance Group的部门助理副总裁. Great American works with The Herbert H. Landy Insurance Agency, a Texas REALTORS® risk management partner. Here’s what he suggests for avoiding disputed-value claims.

The stages of a claim

买方的律师甚至可能在提起诉讼之前就给你发一封要求函. Notify your errors and omissions (E&O) provider immediately when you receive a demand letter. 你和你的律师可以试着解决这个问题,避免索赔.

买家可能会提起诉讼,将你、你的经纪人和评估师列为被告. The buyer may make other allegations such as negligence and fraud.

你r attorney can try to have you dismissed from the lawsuit. If that doesn’t work, you can try to settle or go to trial.

The lawsuit will proceed through the exchange of discovery. 各方将进行面谈,并在相关各方之间共享电子邮件、文本等交易文件, Monahan continues. “例如, 如果文件显示2021十大正规彩票app专业人士不知道面积是不准确的,或者不存在影响房产价值的地役权, it lends support to the defense of the claim,他说.

有争议的价值索赔可以在诉讼开始后的几天或五到六年内得到解决. Most cases are resolved before trial.

How to defend yourself

输掉一场官司可能代价高昂——高达数十万美元. Defending a lawsuit, even if you win, can also be expensive. “通常, 更高价值的房屋和邮政编码可能导致更高的损害评估和索赔人的期望,他说.

你的E&保险可在保单的责任限额内,支付你的法律费用和讼费,以及赔偿和解和判决. 您的保险可能会将您与索赔代表和专家联系起来,他们可以帮助指导您. Reach out to them first.

下一个, seek out legal representation; a strong reply to a demand letter from your attorney can sometimes fend off lawsuits before they start. 你的E&O provider may choose an attorney for you.

When defending you, your attorney may cite the provision of The Real Estate Licensing Act, 这就是说你不能对2021十大正规彩票app交易中一方的虚假陈述或隐瞒重要事实承担责任除非你知道陈述是虚假的并且没有在交易中向另一方披露.

2021十大正规彩票app交易期间获得卖方的书面披露通知. 关于2021十大正规彩票app专业人士应该如何参与卖方的信息披露,有不同的方法, 但莫纳汉2021十大正规彩票app审查文件,以核实披露的信息与已知信息是否一致. “话虽如此,2021十大正规彩票app专业人士没有义务检查上市房产,”他表示. 但如果一位2021十大正规彩票app专业人士知道,一处房产的面积是在未经许可的情况下增加的, it should be disclosed to the buyer.”

How common are these claims?

Most real estate claims nationwide involve an element of disputed value; Texas claims are no different, 纳汉说. 在德克萨斯州,一种常见的索赔是由于未能披露有缺陷的地基而引起的.

莫纳汉说,目前还没有迹象表明,最近的市场降温会导致更多的申请. “然而, if history repeats itself, 抵押贷款机构在以过高的销售价格为由取消对未付款借款人的赎回权后,可能会寻求从经纪人和评估师那里弥补损失,他说.

莫纳汉2021十大正规彩票app,永远不要解释财产状况,以避免未来索赔, such as calling foundation cracks “minor”; never acting outside of your areas of expertise; following pre-established office procedures; and maintaining a well-documented file including written confirmations of conversations.