Your sphere of influence is the foundation of your growth as a real estate professional. Your sphere of influence—which can also be thought of as your database for leads—should be increasing all the time, 太. If you’re a secret agent who hides from meeting people, your business will be significantly hampered. 事实上, it could whither away as past clients and friends get wooed by agents who are putting in face time.

A monthly email or postcard alone will not grow your business. 而不是, be purposeful in developing meaningful relationships in the multiple channels of your existing network. 这里有一些例子告诉你如何开始.

社区组织. Join one or more local organizations that have a mission you genuinely connect with.

校友会. Engage in your local college alumni chapter, and if you were a member of a Greek organization, 加入并参与其中. You have something in common already, so this is a fast track to building influence in these circles.

If there isn’t an association near you, start it yourself! Your college or national fraternity or sorority will welcome your passion to launch an alumni-networking group in your area.

董事会. Take your skills and background and serve on a board of directors or advisors for your HOA, 当地的非营利组织, 一个业务, 商会, 学校董事会, 市议会, 你的教会, 诸如此类. There are many opportunities if you will simply inquire and volunteer your time.

As you develop these channels of your network, remember to:

  • 先予后得. 带着贡献来到小组.
  • 花时间培养这些关系.
  • 优先出勤. Absenteeism severs the trust that others have in you.
  • 和每个成员一起喝咖啡, 午餐, 诸如此类 outside of regularly scheduled group events. Don’t use this time to sell; this is about building relationships.
  • Identify your most influential relationship opportunities using the 80/20 Rule: Who composes the 20% of each group who will be true life-changers?

The multichannel network is your go-to resource when your sphere of influence asks you for a referral. It also can be your lifeline in a slow or recessed market when your livelihood may ultimately depend on it. The day you need your network is 太 late to begin assembling it.