Austin的Isabel Affinito和San Antonio的Hunter Carter是最新的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®,被公认为行业的后起之秀 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®杂志2018届30位30岁以下的毕业生. 在这里, 他们分享他们的2021十大正规彩票app, tips for getting new business, and what they’ve learned in their careers so far.

What’s your advice for 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® just starting their career?

伊莎贝尔Affinito: 任何REATLOR®开始可以做的最重要的事情是与人交谈. 我和丈夫搬到奥斯汀,没有任何关系网,并开始尝试建立一家2021十大正规彩票app公司. 我们的成功与我们在一个月内与多少人交谈直接相关. It can be strangers, acquaintances, or friends. 它可以是在电话里,面对面,在聚会上,遛狗,在健身房.

住宅2021十大正规彩票app的独特之处在于,你接触到的每个成年人都是潜在的客户. So, my advice is to talk to them. Not just about real estate, but about whatever feels right. 使谈话. And a harmless question like, “What area of town do you live in?” could easily lead into a substantial real estate conversation.

我学到的另一课是放弃完美,不要害怕失败. I learned a lot by going out and trying things, and failing. I have some tendencies toward perfectionism. 我基本上已经学会了放手,愿意被拒绝,愿意犯错,愿意看起来很傻. 这让我有了更多的时间和精力去享受我所做的事情.

猎人卡特: 找到一位导师很重要. Shadow, watch, and learn from your mentor.

你应该找一位擅长你所追求的业务领域的导师. But, there are a lot of pieces. 有时候,试图确定你想走哪条路是最大的障碍. Talk to your broker about his or her core competencies, and match yourself with a broker who mimics paths you choose. These 网络 are so important to the start of your business.

最后, regardless of any of the above, 努力工作和坚持不懈比我在这个行业看到的任何东西都更有回报.


伊莎贝尔Affinito: I can’t say I would change anything about my business, because everything I didn’t know then landed me right where I am, and I don’t regret a moment of it. 我很高兴我不知道这会有多难,因为我可能永远都不会开始! I jumped into the business with blind optimism, trusting that everything would work out, 它最终做到了. It was just harder than I expected.

2021十大正规彩票app任何人开始,会仔细考虑你的时间. See talking to people (also known as prospecting) as your job. Property tours aren’t the job. 文书工作不是我的工作. Selling real estate isn’t the job. The job is to find people who want to buy and sell real estate. 如果你做得好,你就有机会帮助他们走到闭幕桌. But talking to enough people every week has to be the top priority. It took me a long time to accept and internalize that lesson.

猎人卡特: 当我刚开始创业的时候,我才18岁,什么都不知道. 自从创业以来,我学到了很多关于企业财务方面的知识. 我总是为特定的交易寻找特定类型的贷款人. 我不认为我需要知道这么多关于这方面的事情, but since having the knowledge, it has benefited my business tremendously. 我更擅长做交易. 我的代理人拥有最多的金融和贷款知识,我看到他们为自己创造稳定.

What’s your most effective way to generate leads?

伊莎贝尔Affinito: 我最喜欢的产生线索的方法是做我喜欢做的事情. I love my Crossfit gym in Austin, 我数不清因为在那里工作而直接倒闭的公司有多少. 事实上, as soon as I’m done answering these questions, I’m writing a contract with a couple I work out with. I’ve also met many clients sitting at restaurant bars, 遛狗, going to friends’ house parties, and other such delightful activities.

I ignored this reality for a long time. I used to see sitting in the office, 不停地发邮件,试图让陌生人接我的电话是“工作”,而在健身房、狗公园或与朋友在一起的时间是“不工作”.“我花了一段时间才意识到,我的很多业务都来自我已经认识的人, and that that was easier than turning strangers into clients.

I still work with lots of strangers. I love holding open houses and cold calling and door knocking. But I’ve learned not to ignore the people I already know. 当你花时间和你喜欢和有共同兴趣的人在一起, they’re already inclined to trust you, and that makes the whole process so much easier.

猎人卡特: I am all about recurring business. 我想努力获得一个愿意和我做多笔交易的商业伙伴. These people for me are 投资者 and new homebuilders.

Flipping houses has been working well for a good amount of time, and I don’t see it going away any time soon. Auction Caddy是我四年前开始开发的一个平台,用于处理我们需要的大量数据,以便在丧失抵押品赎回权的拍卖会上做出购买决定(那些没见过的房产), 大多数时候). 当时, 两个人花了两周半的时间才得到我们需要的所有数据, and we were only gathering about 40 different data points.

我们现在有一个系统,使用15个不同的分布式数据团队成员,为每个属性聚合250个数据点(并不断增加), 这需要四天时间. All data are given to our 投资者 to make decisions. 拍卖球童一直是一个伟大的跳板进入零售方面的业务, all while supporting recurring business partnerships. We have a constant stream of listings, 投资者, and buyers because of the connections, 网络, and services we create with the system.